i was gonna blog last night, but i had a really big day and just needed to crash. On tuesday i woke up to my phone ringing. Jamie wanted to meet up to discuss his software application, so we decided to meet up at garbo for lunch. i wanted subway coz i've been eating a lot of junk food recently. i asked for a foot long, and when the girl asked what type i wanted, i just said, "Anything, surprise me." And as she made the sub, she asked if this bread, salad, sauce is ok, and i said, "Yeah, anything." She told me, "you're easy to please" and i thought, yeah, if i'm paying for the food, and for the food to be made, i might as well have them decide what i'm getting as well. i don't have to pay extra for that. Turns out the sub was probably the best sub i've ever had. After gobbling it up i realised i didn't know the name of the sub or if it even had a name, so if i wanted the same sub again, i'm totally stuffed. Anyways me and Jamie talked about the software which we're gonna make good and then sell it to make millions. It's uber top secret stuff. After that i had work and a recovery lady who just started her shift walked by me said, "Hello sweety" and put a hand on my back and moved it down to my butt. In a reflex motion i immediately arched my back and thought WHOA, CREEPY. i'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, but my butt is ultra sensitive to touch. i remember i was shopping once and a woman lightly brushed her trolley against my butt. i literally jumped in the air. Anyways i also saw the girl i have a crush on and she told me she was moving away soon. i was ripped apart. Couldn't think straight, didn't know what to say. So many things that i WANTED to say but it all came to my head at once and i couldn't say anything. i don't want to get down over it. i'm sure she doesn't want that too, so i'm gonna force myself to play ragnarok and level up my lil bro's character. Tonight i had an easy night at work. Tomorrow i have to pick up my aunty's car from the smash repair place. Always busy.
i'm gonna write down stuff that happens, and how i feel about stuff.
About Me

- Name:
- Crumbz
- Location:
- Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Talk to me! i'm always bored as.
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Thank you also to Blogspot which provides an excellent opportunity to create and edit blogs.
Online services such as ClockLink displays my home time, weather zone displays the current temperature in my city, and Feedroll shows all sorts of strange news.
Wierd news
Weather in Perth
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
flirting or teasing?
i was really really happy and a bit confused at work tonight. Its
probably because she was there teasing me. i dunno if she was serious
or not, but i was really happy coz she talked to me and stuff.
Although much of what she said was jokes and made me laugh, i never
received that much attention from her at work before. i have to admit
that i was nervous about her being so flirty, and doing poses and
giving me looks, BUT i still liked it very much. i was happy that she
was having fun with me and knew that i'm not really good in such
situations. Its so confusing. Shes probably just teasing me, i don't
know. i'd really like to know what she really is thinking sometimes.
Meh. i got addicted to the word 'meh'. Its used in text. Commonly
written and read, but not usually spoken i think. Don't quote me. i
think its used to disregard the previous subject or end it in a polite
manner. Or maybe its just something to say when nothing else or
better can be said.
Posted by Crumbz @ 3:32 AM Add comment • 2 comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Enjoy life?
i think i know whats wrong with me at the moment. i'm not enjoying my
life. i'm also not doing anything about it either. And its because
that i'm not enjoying it, its forcing me to stay that way. In a hole i
created. i SHOULD be doing important things, like finding a career
job, find a way to move out, but i CAN'T. i keep putting myself down
so much that its now really hard to try. i'm also distracted by
things like quick money and relationships. It really sucks to be me. i
wish i was happier, but i have nothing really to be happy about. i'm
not the guy who drinks a lot but who knows? In the future i might
become some overweight alcoholic slob on a couch. i cannot really see
the future. While i was in uni i saw it probably ending up 6 feet
under before i reached 21. But now that i AM 21 and going on 22 is it
any different? Perhaps i should take comfort in knowing that i didn't
have the guts in the past and probably never will.
Posted by Crumbz @ 10:13 PM Add comment • 0 comments
Labelled: Depressed
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Long walk
i called her this morning. She seems to be ok so thats good i think.
i still don't know anything about her. i took the car to the mechanic
shortly after. Its been having heating problems. =( i decided to
walk home which is exactly 5 km away. It took about an hour. Almost
all of it was High Road. Thankfully the weather was superb. Not a
cloud in the sky and the wind was very light. Not many people walked
along paths anymore. So many cars passed me by. i walked into Maccas
and had a chocolate sundae and a medium coke. i then walked past my
old highschool. Can't believe its been over 5 years since i
graduated. i already finished uni too. Time really flies. Thats
something i'm really scared of. One day i might just wake up and
realise i wasted it all. i walked into the newsagent and bought
chewing gum (i don't know why, probably because i forgot to buy phone
credit instead). i then reached home a few minutes later. i still
don't know where i am going.
Posted by Crumbz @ 1:10 PM Add comment • 0 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
Really the printer's fault?
i'm really pissed off at my dad and he's pissed off at me. The printer isn't working anymore because the printer is out of ink. Brilliant. You have to be Einstein to figure that out. He's trying to push the blame to me. When i first installed the software and drivers for the F@#$&*^ printer one F@#$&*^ piece of software didn't install. It's called the F@#$&*^ "status monitor 3." i tried to look this problem up on the net. Only a few people have this specific problem and noone has posted (workable) solutions on how to fix it. Now it seems to be my F@#$&*^ fault that the F@#$&*^ status monitor didn't install. i have already contacted epson by email ages ago and they gave me F@#$&*^ advice which F@#$&*^ didn't work. However the printer could still work without the status monitor. It just doesn't show the level of ink there is left in each of the cartridges. i kinda aggravated my dad when i told him that i don't want to waste my time on it and that he should call up epson himself instead of wasting so much time on dancing. i couldn't really be bothered to waste time fixing the F@#$&*^ printer when i was the one telling my dad that he shouldn't F@#$&*^ get it and the only reason why he F@#$&*^ liked it was coz it could print on cds. So he F@#$&*^ bought it in the end and we hardly use the print cd function. The only reason why he uses the F@#$&*^ print cd function was so he could show it off to everyone in the family and his dancing friends that we could F@#$&*^ print on cds. Make that me. Just me. i was the one who printed the F@#$&*^ cds coz my dad can't do it. He just tells me to do it. i can't see the F@#$&*^ point in it when i can just scribble on the cd itself. So much easier and less time wasted. i know i shouldn't be using a lot of profanity but it pisses me off coz i'm being forced to do something i don't believe in and never did. That was a while ago. Its all quiet now. He's sitting 50 cm from me using the other computer right now. Lucky he's not reading this. He'll go beserk. =)
Posted by Crumbz @ 1:07 AM Add comment • 0 comments
Labelled: Angry
Friday, August 11, 2006
Why try?
i really dunno whats the point in trying sometimes. Why do people try to achieve things that they're not sure of even getting? In these cases there may be some hope of getting what u want, but i think statistically, most of the time it ends up in failure. That's my experience anyway. i just want to give up trying on things that i'm not sure of getting. It hurts more often than not. i think its stupid of me to keep trying so hard. Trying only proves the existence of hope and i already know that hope is just wishful thinking. The more i try, the more pain just comes my way. It's really stupid. At school and even at home we're always told to try our best. Although thats intended to be a good thing (our parents and teachers want us to be educated well), it affects how we behave in the real world. For everyone to keep trying so hard for things that they may never get; it creates so much sadness and despair in their lives. It's such a cruel world.
Posted by Crumbz @ 12:38 PM Add comment • 0 comments
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Tim Tams
i don't think its going too well. i don't think i am goin too well
either. i really wanted to take 3 or 4 straight shots of jack and put
myself to sleep but i have work tonight so i decided on chocolate. i
just finished a whole box of tim tams with a lot of milk in between.
i'm a sucker for chocolate and i thought it would make me happy. i
don't feel better at all...infact now i feel like throwing up too.
Listening to music is just like listening to noise now. i don't feel
like working tonight. Why did i agree to it? There's a small voice in
my head giving me advice. i think it wants to help me out. i would
want to listen but nobody in their right minds would agree to it.
Except me.
Posted by Crumbz @ 2:45 PM Add comment • 0 comments
Monday, August 07, 2006
When i told Cherish that i dunno how its currently goin with her, he replied:
Christopher says:
Cherish says:
dont get stuck with tht...there r plenty out there...infact if ulook at the census form there are 300,000 more females between 18 and 30 yrs than males
Cherish says:
page 5 i think
Christopher says:
u are crazy
Cherish says:
300 000 doesn't mean anything. Zero girls would want to go out with a boring, shy, nervous depressed idiot. Well at least i'll remember to remind my dad that the census form came. Completely forgotton about that. Friends these days. So helpful in so many ways.
Posted by Crumbz @ 11:10 AM Add comment • 0 comments
Labelled: Depressed
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Strange dream
Reality becomes truth? What if i can't handle the truth, or if the
truth is really bad and i don't want to accept it? It was my dad's
birthday yesterday. We had dinner at a chinese restaurant nearby.
They took a long time before they could serve us but once we got our
food we ate until we were stuffed. It was quite good. We had honey
chicken, lemon chicken, fried squid, chicken with 4 types of mushrooms
and tea. Hot chinese tea feels so nice after a big oily dinner. Also
i had a strange dream last night. It was one of those dreams when i
KNOW i'm dreaming so i could do almost anything i want. Usually these
dreams are so cool coz i could have the best fantasies ever =D.
Unfortunately it was kinda strange coz i knew i was dreaming yet i
wasn't in total control of my environment. Anyway i was in a shopping
centre and i met this guy (have no idea who he is). And somehow we get
into a fight. i was trying to be reasonable but he started it. And i told him
that it was MY dream and that he was gonna get it. So i summoned a
shockwave blast and sent him flying to the ground. But he got back up
and i thought 'oh shit, WTF' and we were on the floor wrestling and i had
this opportunity to kick him square on in the face. All i had to do was
thrash out my leg. And as soon as my leg lifted, i woke up and kicked
my blanket to the floor. Still have no idea who he is coz i never seen him
before!! And i couldn't beat him even though he was on MY turf. =S
Grr it pisses me off. If it ever happens again i'm gonna clobber him with
a lightning bolt. i also had another dream where i was in my room and i
found that my trusty rusty work knife was cut in 3 pieces. It seems
impossible coz its made of steel and hard rubber parts. i somehow
thought that it was MY fault that its broken.
Posted by Crumbz @ 12:57 PM Add comment • 0 comments
Labelled: Angry
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Happy and Sad
Surrealism becomes reality pretty quickly. i really still don't know
how she feels. In fact i don't really know that much about her. The
small things that i DO know leads me to really wild crazy assumptions
which are really too crazy to write down or assume out loud. STILL i
don't care as i have never been in a situation like this before (and
i'm also crazy about her) and probably might never will. She told me
she's goin away forever, and i don't know how to react. She said she
should of told me sooner. i don't really believe her simple reason on
WHY she is moving away. BUT moving away forever means that it would
probably end. i think i am crazy about her and would probably want to
go with her. i somehow have an instinctal feeling that she won't
allow that and this relationship is just a small casual goodbye fling
to her. Although it does upset me, i am still really happy coz she
said stuff to me that only couples should hear. To be honest i never
expected words like that to ever reach a person like me. It really
meant a lot to me. i'm so pathetic. Its stupid coz even though we
talked last night, i miss her already. i have no idea why she takes
so long to reply to a msg. i really hate waiting. i told a workmate
that "i feel like the most happiest and saddest person in the world"
and he said "thats quite a contrast". Yes indeed.
Posted by Crumbz @ 12:51 AM Add comment • 0 comments
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tongue tied
i started work today and looked to see if she was there. After about 30 mins of pulling pallets, i gave up hope of seeing her. Then as i was moving to the front, i met her. Asked how her car was. Didn't have a chance of asking her out coz a manager was very nearby. 10 mins later, i was at the front with a pallet again and we made small talk. Small talk became big talk really quickly.
C:Hey, I'm gonna find you an asian girl
me: Whyyyy?
C:Coz asian guys prefer asian girls
me:Thats not true!
C:Do u prefer asian girls?
me:Uh i prefer any girl i guess
C:Coz I asked out an asian guy in highschool and he said no but said he would only go out with me if I was asian.
me:Would you go out with me?
C:What? Are you serious?
c:Coz if you are, I would, you know
C:OMG u ARE serious! That is so cute!
C:I'd like to go out with u. I'd write down my number for you later
Shyness be damned! i hate getting tongue tied and looking stoopid. But at the same time i feel that i received a second chance. She somehow knew i was being serious even though i tried to deny it. i still don't want to hope too much. After that conversation i felt fear, confusion and happiness at the same time. It was really wierd. Almost as if i was scared of meeting her again. Everything seemed different. Would i be different? Would she be different? Why on earth would she want to go out with me??? WHAT TO DO NOW?? Am i dreaming or hallucinating? A while later she passed me her number and that was it. i came home about 12:30am and didn't want to msg her coz she's probably sleeping by now. i haven't told any of my work mates about it and don't plan to at the moment. Too much thinking is hurting my head. Gonna sleep now.
Posted by Crumbz @ 2:11 AM Add comment • 1 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Ways of hurt
i went ice skating with my cousin again on Saturday. i tried to race
one of my cousin's friends and had a great time weaving very closely
between slow and fast ice skaters. i then slipped while trying a
tight turn, rolled in the air a couple of times and hit the ice hard
before skidding a few metres. Ouchie. But it was nothing compared 10
mins later when i tripped on the ice, and had a split second choice of
continuing forward, and risk landing on my face and causing a pile up
from skaters behind me, OR banking hard to the right and into the
barrier at high speed and risk hitting a man teaching his woman how to
skate. (Ice skating newbies usually hold on to the barrier for
support.) i chose to go into the barrier, but coz of the speed i found
out (too late) that i wasn't gonna make in into the barrier without
hitting the couple first. i didn't want a full body contact blow so i
sorta fell hard on my right knee and slid on the ice and crashed
headfirst into a pair of female legs. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING. i said
so many sorrys. Luckily the woman didn't fall. The guy said to me,
"that's a good way to stop". And i was wondering IS HE ABOUT TO KICK
MY ASS?? i can fight on solid ground, but on ICE wearing ice skates??
He seemed non hostile though and i made my way to the bench to examine
my poor knee. Luckily the bruise was on the opposite side of my knee
away from the side where i had my arthroscopy. When i got home i
found a nasty gash on my left leg. It must of been where the ice
skate boot's edge rubbed against the skin. =( Pain. i spent Sunday
relaxing and resting my poor battered body. My arms seem sore for
some reason. Probably when i tried to break my falls on the ice.
i was hoping to see the girl i like at work today but unfortunately i
didn't see her at all. i bumped my knee accidently against a shelf.
IT HURT A LOT. Now i can't bend it all the way and i can't squat
anymore. =( i think i have a cold as well. My throat was really sore
and dry this morning and just now while i was under the shower my
hands felt COLD even though the water was HOT. i know i probably
should skip work tomorrow, but if i don't work then i don't get to see
her. Thats already been hurting me for the past couple of weeks. i
don't know which hurts more though. Health should come first, but
health means nothing when compared to feeling like crap.
Posted by Crumbz @ 12:40 AM Add comment • 0 comments