So...yeh, i think i already know how its gonna turn out...but just don't have the guts to face it..i'll try again tomorrow. Also last thursday my lil bro blew up the computer. He didn't really blow it on purpose, but it died on him. i decided to open it up and have a look. i noticed that a few capacitators were blown or leaking...not good.
Thats the mother board after i removed all the graphics card, modem, firewire, sound and network cards. Below is the obsolete geforce 2 mx 64 mb graphics card:
Here is a pic of the creative sound card:

And internal modem:

Heres me taking apart the big ass fan/heatsink from the cpu (pentium 4 1.6 ghz):

Pics of the Pentium 4 1.6 Ghz CPU:

So we got a new computer upgrade on the weekend. i picked it up today after uni. Our new computer has the old 40 Gb hard drive as the primary drive, and an extra 120 Gb hard drive as its slave. Also has an additional 512mb ddr RAM over the existing 256 ddr RAM. Has a Intel Celeron 2.8GHz and a new motherboard which has already a network slot and also 6 USB 2.0 ports. We also got a new case and dvd burner for it. The graphics card, firewire and modem has been transferred to the new mother board. When i turn on the computer, everything looks the same, because we used our old hard drive as the primary drive. The only difference is it can now burn dvds and is slightly bigger and faster. i'm kinda happy with it. It helps take my mind off current things that are disturbing me.

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